miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Here I present a simple video taken with my smart mobile. Its content is about making string figures,  amusment activiti for many children and young people which  can create a space for recreation in any formal setting where the activity can be used to open themes otherwise for example: reading.

Informally this activity is just one of the many that can be sent to family and friends and that could mean a form of communication more interesting than the trite photos and gossips.

The figure below is the cat's cradle  and introduces the cat from Alice in Wonderland. Good start of a journey that can be done to make children aware of Alice's cat. We'll see.

A continuación les presento un sencillo video tomado con mi smart mobile. Su contenido es sobre cómo hacer figuras con cuerdas. Asunto que divierte muchos a los niños y jóvenes y que puede crear un espacio de recreación en cualquier ambiente formal, donde puede utilizarse la actividad para abrir temas de otra naturaleza, por ejemplo la lectura.
Informalmente esta actividad es una más de las tantas que pueden ser enviadas a familiares y amigos y que pueden significar una forma de comunicación más allá de las trilladas fotos y los eternos chismes.
La figura a continuación es la cuna del gato que introduce al gato de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas. Buen inicio de un viaje que se puede hacer para que los niños conozcan sobre el gato de Alicia. Ya veremos.


Six Mobile Instructional Design Principles. Seis Principios de Diseño Instruccional para Aprendizaje Móvil


Applied Information Management

Mobile Instructional Design Principles for Adult Learners

University of Oregon

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Creative Reading with Fairies Elves  and Charms.

To use mobile devices  for encouraging reading:

Reading could be practiced and encouraged through mobile devices, that is what I think, but I do not know. If children and young people could have at their disposal images like the ones  I have include in the collage, certainly they may be interested to hear some short narrative of the topic and glad to read about it. That is what I am going to inquire in the course of Canvas: Instructional Design To Teach With Mobile Devices.

The Images:

My friend Maria Elvira, Mariel as we call her, is a teacher by profession with a vocation of writer and artist features. His book "Fairies, Elves and Charms from the Sierra Falconiana" presents a history about elves inspired by the poet Rafael Alvarez, fruits of an ethnographic research that resulted in, among others, his work "Dealing with Elves".
Mariel´s history is iluminated with the wonderful illustration done, for the purpose, by the painter Azucena Marcellán.
A few months ago I visited Maria Elvira in Coro; enchanted with the paint done  by Azucena, which Maria Elvira  proudly displays in his pacefull apartment full of love and memories, I tried to take the paint with me, without stealing it: and I took some pictures with my cell phone.
There were photos saved until today when trying to figure how to make my first attempt to "do it yourself" in the course of learning through mobile devices, I saw the opportunity to put it all together and publish in this blog.
In the upper left of the collage is my lovely friend Maria Elvira, next to another painting for a book of short stories about  Elvira´s cats, our dear cousin.
Well; things of enchanted charming women.


Lectura Creativa con Duendes Hadas y Encantos.


El móvil del uso de móviles:
La lectura podría ser practicada y estimulada a través de dispositivos móviles, eso pienso, no lo sé. Si los niños y jóvenes pudiesen tener a su disposición imágenes cómo las que acabo de incluir, seguramente se interesarían por escuchar alguna corta narración del tema y encantados de leer sobre el mismo. De eso se tratará este experimento que trataremos de llevar a cabo en el curso de Canvas Diseño Instruccional Para Enseñar Con Dispositivos Móviles.
Las Imágenes:
Mi amiga María Elvira, Mariel como todos la llamamos, es una profesora de profesión con vocación de  escritora y rasgos de artista. Su libro: Duendes Hadas y Encantos de la Sierra Falconiana nos presenta una historia sobre duendes inspirada por el poeta Rafael Álvarez, frutos de la investigación etnográfica que él realizara y que tuvo como resultado, entre otros, su obra "Trato con Duendes".
Maríel  ilumina sus mágica historia, con la inspirada ilustración realizada para tal fin, y por solicitud de María Elvira, por la pintora Azucena Marcellán.
Hace algunos meses visité a María Elvira en Coro; enamorada del cuadro realizado por Azucena y que María Elvira exhibe orgullosamente en la apacible sala de su  apartamento lleno de amor y recuerdos, yo traté de llevarme el cuadro conmigo, sin robármelo; y le saqué algunas fotos con mi teléfono celular. Allí quedaron las fotos guardadas hasta hoy cuando al tratar de ver cómo realizar mi primer intento de hágalo usted mismo en este curso de aprendizaje a través de dispositivos móviles, vi la posibilidad de juntarlo todo: mi único dispositivo móvil, con la idea pedagógica y las fotos tomadas del cuadro hecho por Azucena y el bellísimo libro de María Elvira.
En la esquina superior izquierda aparece mi encantadora amiga María Elvira al lado de  otro cuadro para un libro de cuentos sobre los gatos de Elvira, la querida prima.
En fin cosas de mujeres encantadas y encantadoras.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

Principios Para Hacer que el Aprendizaje Movil Funcione.

En el día de ayer tuvimos una webinar con el DRDavid Metcalf. Director, METIL Lab. UCF IST/CoM Affiliate: 
"Instructional Design for Mobile Learning. Principles for Making Mobil Learning Work"
 de la cual más adelate haré un resumen.




UCF IST/CoM Affiliate

Mobile Learning: Movil Training Implementation Training MOTIF


Mobile Learning: Movil Training Implementation Training MOTIF



Mobile learning is a new educational technology and introduces both exciting capabilities and complexity into the learning design process, but with very few guidelines. ADL’s MoTIF project will explore new types of learning and design approaches that take advantage of the capabilities of the mobile platform. The MoTIF project will result in interventions such as strategies, materials, products, and guidelines as solutions to the problems, but will also advance our knowledge about the characteristics of these interventions and the processes involved in designing and developing them.
What is the problem (gap) this project is aimed at solving or the objective it is trying to accomplish?
Many education and training practitioners are creating new mobile content and converting existing eLearning courses without consideration of:
  • supporting alternative learning methods (e.g., performance support);
  • leveraging the capabilities of the mobile platform (e.g., camera, sensors, GPS)
They are simply shrinking distributed learning courses down to fit the smaller screen sizes of smartphones and tablets. As a growing number of mobile innovations become available in the learning space, education and training technology thought leaders are also interested in how to effectively design for a variety of mobile learning scenarios beyond self-paced training courses.

Research Summary

This project is specifically focused on exploring the intersection of multiple design and research methods in order better understand - and potentially influence - how education and training practitioners can best utilize and leverage mobile-based technology to optimally design both informal and formal learning solutions to support the next generation learner.
Rather than postulating whether a certain approach and outcome is better than another, the researchers of this project have embraced a design-based approach that will best position us to hypothesize and test a solution for the problem in context. Design-based research produces both theories and practical educational interventions as its outcomes, and has been more recently introduced as a modern approach suitable to address complex problems in educational practice for which no clear guidelines or solutions are available (Plomp, R. and Nieveen, N., 2007).
An innovative and comprehensive research approach is needed to validate and expand upon the scope and detail of MoTIF. We have chosen the Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF) as our design-based research approach. The general intent of using this approach is to generate results that provide practical understanding and applicability to real-world design projects. The research informs practice, and the practice will inform the research.
MoTIF is currently in its first phase. ADL will include a broad sweep of community opinion and involvement to ensure that the results of the effort have durability and traction in the global learning space.
ADL is conducting a survey from March 26 through April 26 to help inform our questions for follow-on interviews and a focus group during phase 1. The following list of objectives are what we used to develop the survey questions in support of the needs analysis:
  • Determine if there is a perceived need to identify and document the unique capabilities of the mobile platform for learning.
  • Determine if there is a perceived need to identify alternative learning approaches that are appropriate for the mobile platform.
  • Determine if there is a perceived need for a mobile learning design workflow process or model.

Community Participation

To find out how you can participate in the MoTIF project, contact the ADL Mobile Team at adlmobile@adlnet.gov.


The specific types of outcomes of this project may include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Domain Theories - theories about the context and outcomes within the instructional design domain and mobile learning paradigm.
  • Design Framework - a workflow process and examples that will serve as a set of design guidelines for determining a mobile learning solution or strategy.
  • Design Methodologies - guidelines for how to implement the framework and the expertise that is required.
  • Product Prototypes – examples of mobile learning micro-strategies; and demonstrations of modern communication between and among mobile content and next generation learning environments (e.g. Experience API (xAPI)).
  • Project Website – a collaborative project website where participants in the project can interact and access all of the project reports, resources, and connect with others with similar interests in mobile learning design.


Recommended Resources:

Project Resources:

» Research Papers & Studies